Our Terms
- All items are offered subject to availability.
- We request prepayment for all orders.
- Postage and packaging is extra.
- We attempt to describe our books as accurately as possible, right down to almost inconsequential flaws. We feel we have to do this because we are your ‘eyes’ when you can’t handle the book yourself. Occasionally, however, we might miss something. If you are not happy with the book because we have not described a flaw accurately, or if there is a publisher’s fault or other flaw that we did not pick up, we will refund if you advise us within a reasonable time. Please contact us first rather than just sending the book back.
- We will not refund if you change your mind, or if you already have a copy on your shelves, or if you do not like the contents.
- We are happy to put books on hold, but if we do not receive payment for online enquiries within three days we will assume you are no longer interested in the book and will return it to the shelves. We will not chase you up.
- We accept Visa, MasterCard and Amex.
- We DO NOT accept cheques or direct payment and we do not have PayPal facilities.